Herbs for love spells should be used wisely. An ethical love spell doesn’t try to force love when the person has already made it clear that they’re not interested. That kind of spell either harms everyone involved, or—more often, thank Goddess—just plain doesn’t work. However, various love spells can help you come across the right person, break down false barriers to affection, bless new relationships, unions, and weddings, discourage quarrels, and reignite love (and lust) in a long-term relationship. 



Must-Have Herbs for Love Spells

There are dozens of herbs associated with love magic. Based on effectiveness and (except for the last one) availability, here are my top five recommendations! 


sprigs of marjoram


Not everyone knows about the magical or metaphysical properties of marjoram, a culinary herb. It’s a favorite for spells to increase love in an existing relationship. You can also use it in recipes for the same purpose or drink marjoram tea. Marjoram is particularly good for improving communication.

big hibiscus blossom


Dried hibiscus flowers are used to make a fruity red caffeine-free herbal “tea” that, when drunk, arouses passion. It’s delicious hot or iced, so might want to make some for you and your lover. It’s perfect for Valentine’s Day! You can buy hibiscus tea in teabags or loose, and you can also use dried hibiscus flowers in love charm bags. 


jar of coriander seeds and fresh cilantro


Coriander, the spice, is the dried and ground seeds of the coriander plant, called cilantro in the U.S. and Spain. This plant was commonly associated with Venus from at least the early 1500s, but probably earlier. You can use whole coriander seeds or fresh cilantro leaves in a love jar spell, use coriander seeds in a love charm bag, burn coriander seeds in a spell, or cook with coriander or cilantro to induce passion.

cardamom plant and pod


The magical properties of cardamom include use as an aphrodisiac. On a practical level, cardamom improves oral health, which is great if you’re going to be doing a lot of kissing. (It’s also been used for centuries to treat digestive issues such as nausea, flatulence, and bloating.) You might like to try making heart-shaped cardamom cookies, or make chicken tikka masala with both cardamom and coriander.


jar of coriander seeds and fresh cilantro


This is a much rarer herb, but it’s one of the most effective herbs for love I know. I had to include it for anyone who wants to attract men, because that’s what it does. I do not recommend using it when you want to charm a man in any other way except romantically (to make a new friend, or to secure a job or investment, for instance.) Carry it with you, on its own or in a charm bag along with two lodestones, to increase male attention.


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Please note that spells for passion and lust are best worked on Tuesdays and spells for affection and love are best worked on Fridays, both during a waxing moon. Monday is also a good day for working a spell to improve or strengthen a long-term romantic relationship. If the moon is in the Crab (Cancer) for a spell to find love, Libra for a spell to strengthen a relationship, or Scorpio for a spell involving passion, so much the better. For a spell to guard against lovers’ quarrels, choose a Monday or a Friday on a waning moon.

Lavender and basil are two of many other herbs that have been used for centuries in love spells. Personally, I prefer to use lavender for relaxation rituals and basil for abundance spells, and they’ve been used for those purposes for a long time, too. If either of these feels right to you for a romance spell, though, give it a try.

Questions? Comments?

If there are other herbs for love that you’d like to recommend, or you’d like some advice in how to use one in a spell, please comment below! Thank you so much for visiting today, and threefold blessings.

magical herbs

Related Post: Rose Magic

Learn 3 easy spells for love, self-love, and beauty.

Rose magic is gentle and loving. It’s a pleasure to write about rose witchcraft today…just as it’s a pleasure to do! I have 3 easy spells for you, but I’ll start with touching on the most important

Magical Properties of Roses

magic rose in full bloom

Love and Romance

The rose is associated with Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Even a single rose at the entrance to your home or on your altar can be powerful magic. Tea with rose petals increases feelings of love and self-love. You can buy this tea here.

Magic Rose in full bloom


Roses have been used in beauty charms and spells for thousands of years…and they’ve been used in practical beauty preparations for just as long. Rosewater is a good toner for the skin (I use this kind), and it also soothes the scalp and stimulates hair growth. 

Magic Rose in full bloom

Emotional Healing

One of the metaphysical properties of roses is to ease stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. In magical spells, roses can help heal old emotional scars, help us nurture ourselves, and make us aware of our worth.

magic rose in full bloom

Physical Healing

Rose hip powder has been shown in clinical trials to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and other types of joint pain. You can buy rosehip powder here. The scent of roses (aromatherapy) has also been shown to lower blood pressure.

5 long stem roses forming a pentagram


Rose Magic Love Spell

Best done on a Friday during the waxing moon, especially when the moon is in Libra.

Arrange five long-stem roses to form a pentagram. This may take a little time, and you may need to trim a stem or two. It doesn’t have to be perfect!

Set a candle in the center of the pentagram (I prefer a pink rose-scented votive, but a white candle or, really, any candle will do) and light it. Close your eyes and spend a few minutes imagining or envisioning the relationship you want. As with all candle spells, let the candle burn all the way down.




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rose petals and rolled up paper


Rose Petal Beauty Charm

Best made on a Friday during the waxing moon, especially when the moon is in Leo. Scorpio is also good for seductive beauty.

Let’s be clear here: you are already beautiful, a child of the goddess. Beauty spells reveal your beauty more clearly to yourself and others.

You will need a small bag, a small piece of paper and a pen, a candle (I prefer a pink candle and/or a rose-scented candle, but you can use what you have), and fresh rose petals. I usually use little fabric bags that held earrings; you could also order organza bags for your charms or tie the items up in a scarf or handkerchief. A rose quartz crystal is optional. 

Light the candle and say, “Venus, goddess of beauty and love, imbue this charm with your power.”

Close your eyes for a minute or two and envision that rose unfolding from a bud to full bloom.

Write six times on the piece of paper, “My beauty reveals itself like a blooming rose.” (Six is the number associated with Venus.)

Read this out loud six times. 
Now fold the piece of paper and put it in your charm bag along with the rose petals and the rose quartz, if you are using one.

Put the charm bag under your pillow until the next New Moon. When you go to bed at night, envision the blooming rose again, and envision yourself becoming more beautiful and attracting the admiration of others.  





Rose Milk Ritual Bath for Self-Love

Best done on a Monday, Friday, or Sunday on a waxing moon.

Grind a cup or so of rolled oats in a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder to make a powder and add it to a running bath. This will make the water milky (and if your skin is itchy, it’ll soothe it.) Once the bath is drawn, add a few handfuls of fresh rose petals on the surface.

Light a few candles and set them on the rim of the tub or elsewhere in the bathroom. If they are rose-scented, all the better, but use what you have.

Using a music source that is well away from the bathtub, play the beautiful music of your choice. I recommend music without lyrics, such as classical.

Take the bath by candlelight only. Close your eyes summon visions of yourself as a goddess or queen, beloved by all. If this is difficult, you can also focus on mantras such as “I am beautiful inside and out,” “I am a daughter/child of the goddess,” and “I am cherished and loved.”




a rose in full bloom

I’d love to hear what you think!

I hope this has given you some inspiration for how to use roses in witchcraft, and I hope it brings more love and beauty into your life. If you have comments or questions about rose magical properties or rose spells, please share them below! Thank you for visiting me today, and I’m sending threefold blessings your way.